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It's time to plant spring bulbs

With spring's vibrant displays a passion of UK gardeners, autumn stands as the prime time for preparation. Boma Garden Centre is proud to offer a diverse array of spring flowering bulbs, including favourites like Tulips, Narcissus, Hyacinth, Alliums, Muscari, and Crocus. For those seeking a curated look, we also have mixed collections expertly prepared for dazzling spring exhibitions.

You might ask why autumn? Well, it's the perfect season to plant those cheerful spring bloomers. From the iconic tulips and daffodils to the lesser-known yellow winter aconites, planting now ensures a burst of colour when spring arrives. And remember, flower bulbs aren’t just for garden beds; they thrive among perennial plants, nestled in the grass, or even in containers and pots gracing your terrace or balcony. Boma's national shipping ensures that wherever you are in the UK, you can access our extensive range.

When and where to plant spring bulbs?

Planting spring bulbs

  • For those new to the joys of gardening or in need of a quick refresher, here are some handy guidelines:

  • Outdoor planting is key. Spring bulbs require a cold (frost) period to bloom. Even as late as December, they can be planted as long as the ground isn’t frozen.
  • Mind the soil: Ensure your soil drains well. Bulbs risk rotting in overly moist conditions.
  • Containers and pots: Smaller bulbs flourish in containers. Ensure drainage holes at the bottom, and a base layer of pot shards and hydro granules is advisable. For added protection against rot, mix some sand into the potting soil.
  • Lawns: For a natural meadow feel, plant snowdrops, crocuses, daffodils, star hyacinths, and Oriental anemones (Anemone blanda) in your lawn. A simple method involves lifting a piece of sod with a spade, planting the bulbs, and then replacing the sod. Once spring arrives, allow the greenery of the bulbs to fully wither before mowing or navigate around them in the interim.
  • Shade or Sun: Always check the preferences of your bulbs. While tulips and daffodils typically relish the sun, others like bluebells and edible wild garlic might prefer a bit of shade.

Boma's guide on how to plant spring bulbs

How to plant spring bulbs

  • Boma's guide on how to plant spring bulbs To ensure a successful blooming season, consider the following tips:

  • Time is of the essence: Especially with smaller bulbs, plant them promptly to prevent them drying out.
  • Depth matters: As a rule of thumb, plant the bulb two or three times as deep as its height. The tip should point upwards. If you're unsure of the top side, place the bulb on its side – nature will do the rest.
  • Spacing: Keep a distance of about twice the bulb's width between each planting. This ensures they don’t touch, whether in a pot or in the ground.
  • Natural aesthetics: For a random, organic look, scatter bulbs across your desired area and plant them where they land.
  • The 'lasagna method': When planting in pots or containers, layer different types of bulbs. Start with the largest and latest blooming varieties at the base, followed by a layer of potting soil mixed with sand, finishing with the smaller and earlier bloomers.

More tips for a blossoming spring with Boma

Crocuses in spring

Come the spring, prolong the bloom by trimming the faded flower heads but leave the leaves intact. This helps the bulbs store energy for the following year's show. Additionally, these early bloomers attract many insects, enhancing your garden's biodiversity.

For a radiant garden next spring, Boma Garden Centre is your one-stop destination. With our robust spring bulbs and insightful planting tips, you'll be set for a season of vibrant blossoms. We invite you to visit our garden centre in London or explore our offerings online, and remember, Boma ships nationally, ensuring everyone can partake in the beauty of spring. See you soon!


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